Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hamba Tuhan Yesus Kristus

Kami adalah hamba-hamba yang tidak berguna; kami hanya melakukan apa yang kami harus lakukan (Lukas 17:10). Seseorang yang bekerja di lembaga Kristen ketika ditanya mereka hamba siapa, pada umumnya akan menjawab bahwa mereka bekerja untuk Tuhan karena mereka hamba Tuhan. Itu pula yang saya temui sewaktu memberi pelatihan kepada salah satu lembaga Kristiani. Namun, saat ditanya seperti apakah tuntutan hamba Kristus di tempat kerja, jawaban mereka beragam. Kita perlu waspada dengan jebakan kebenaran diri sendiri. Ketika kita menyebut diri kita hamba Kristus jangan sampai itu hanya klaim pribadi yang tidak sesuai dengan kebenaran firman Tuhan. Tak pandang di mana kita bekerja atau melayani, seorang hamba Kristus akan menyadari esensinya sebagai seorang hamba. 1. Memprioritaskan kepentingan Tuhan Ia menyadari bahwa ia adalah seorang hamba yang membawa nama baik Tuannya di manapun ia berada. Karena itu, ia melakukan segala sesuatu berdasar pertimbangan apakah itu memuliakan nama Tuhan atau justru sebaliknya, ia mengutamakan kepentingan pribadi atau golongan tanpa mengindahkan kemulian-Nya. 2. Tidak mengharapkan pujian Semua orang suka dengan pujian. Bahkan orang yang terkesan tidak suka dipuji pun sebenarnya juga suka. Hanya saja dia tidak mengekspresikannya. Dipuji memang tidak salah, yang salah adalah saat kita mengharapkan pujian. Seorang hamba tidak seharusnya mengharapkan pujian. Karena apa yang ia lakukan itu memang adalah tugasnya. 3. Bukan seorang complainer Seorang hamba hanya melakukan apa yang menjadi tugas dan kewajibannya. Kata-kata dalam firman Tuhan di atas menyiratkan kerelaan dan kesediaan seorang hamba untuk melakukan tugasnya dengan tidak bersungut-sungut. Ia tahu apa yang menjadi tugasnya dan bertanggung jawab melakukannya.
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Lawatan Tuhan

Orang-orang yang menerima perkataannya itu memberi diri dibaptis dan pada hari itu jumlah mereka bertambah kira-kira tiga ribu jiwa (Kisah Para Rasul 2:41). Banyak pemimpin jemaat yang frustrasi untuk menumbuh kembangkan gerejanya. Memang ada beberapa salah kaprah dalam hal ini. Pertumbuhan gereja sering hanya diukur dari hal-hal yang terlihat saja. Berapa banyak jumlah jemaatnya, berapa luas gedung gerejanya, seberapa mewah fasilitasnya, seberapa bagus dan meriah ibadah yang diadakan. Semuanya itu hanya salah satu indikasi saja. Namun bukan menjadi ukuran mutlak maju tidaknya sebuah gereja. Lalu mengapa banyak pemimpin jemaat yang frustrasi dalam melayani Tuhan? Sering kita terjebak dengan banyak program, merancang acara yang menarik, menyibukkan jemaat dengan berbagai macam acara gereja, namun pada kenyataannya hal tersebut tidak memberi dampak yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gereja. Hal-hal itu yang kerap membuat kita merasa frustrasi dalam pelayanan. Ingatlah bahwa yang menentukan laju kita bukanlah seberapa cepat dan seberapa kuat kita mendayung, namun seberapa kuat arus yang ada di bawah perahu kita! Hal inilah yang sering kita lupa. Membuat program dan acara yang menarik dalam gereja tentu sah-sah saja dan itu adalah hal yang sangat positif, namun ingatlah bahwa yang membuat gereja kita mengalami ledakan atau terobosan bukanlah hal itu, namun "arus atau pergerakan Tuhan" di dalam gereja kita. Sejarah pertumbuhan gereja mencatat bahwa ledakan pertumbuhan gereja tidak pernah lahir dari sebuah program gereja ataupun acara gereja, melainkan dari pergerakan atau lawatan Tuhan. Masih ingatkah kita lawatan Tuhan yang terjadi di Toronto dan beberapa daerah di Kanada tahun 90an yang lalu? Arus pergerakan Tuhan atau lawatan Tuhan itulah yang membuat gereja bertumbuh. Sekali lagi saya bukan hendak meremehkan program gereja maupun persiapan acara gereja yang bagus. Itu perlu, tapi bukan yang utama. Yang utama adalah meminta hati Tuhan agar melawat umat-Nya. Sumber: Spirit Penuai
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Friday, November 25, 2011

Lead Like Jesus Christ

Leading Like Jesus Christ confirms the leadership of Jesus Christ the great principles that apply universally applicable with tremendous advantages. Leading Like Jesus Christ: the Par-ekselens Leadership is an invention of the Bible Scriptures of "the leadership of Jesus Christ" was incredible, which has proven him to be very effective and efficient. Truth of Jesus Christ Leadership greatness is revealed by Kenneth Blanchard asserts, "Christians have more in Jesus than just a great spiritual leader; We have a practical and effective leadership model for all Organizations, for all people, for all Situations" (The Christian has extraordinary things in Jesus is more than just a great spiritual leader; we have a practical and effective leadership model for all organizations, for all people, and for all situations). His leadership evidence par-ekselens are recorded in the Gospel, which describes about how THEY think, behave and act as a leader, who fought his leadership consistently until the end with a resounding, when HE finally confirmed at the Cross, "It is finished" (John 19:30). Leadership of Jesus Christ who par-ekselens explores the core principles of his leadership embodied by "Leading from the heart; lead based on love, and goodness leads with the power of truth," by which IA prove the superiority of his leadership. The idea of ​​leadership is very rich in Jesus Christ discussed in this paper are limited. However, this paper will be a basic reference that is still open to be developed based on the truth of the Gospel of John, "There are many other things more to be done by Jesus Christ, but if all these things must be written one by one, I suppose that this world can not contain the books that would be written. "Happy wandering with Jesus Christ in his leadership of the par-ekselens. Dr. Yakob Tomatala
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Lead Like Jesus Christ

Leading Like Jesus Christ confirms the leadership of Jesus Christ the great principles that apply universally applicable with tremendous advantages. Leading Like Jesus Christ: the Par-ekselens Leadership is an invention of the Bible Scriptures of "the leadership of Jesus Christ" was incredible, which has proven him to be very effective and efficient. Truth of Jesus Christ Leadership greatness is revealed by Kenneth Blanchard asserts, "Christians have more in Jesus than just a great spiritual leader; We have a practical and effective leadership model for all Organizations, for all people, for all Situations" (The Christian has extraordinary things in Jesus is more than just a great spiritual leader; we have a practical and effective leadership model for all organizations, for all people, and for all situations). His leadership evidence par-ekselens are recorded in the Gospel, which describes about how THEY think, behave and act as a leader, who fought his leadership consistently until the end with a resounding, when HE finally confirmed at the Cross, "It is finished" (John 19:30). Leadership of Jesus Christ who par-ekselens explores the core principles of his leadership embodied by "Leading from the heart; lead based on love, and goodness leads with the power of truth," by which IA prove the superiority of his leadership. The idea of ​​leadership is very rich in Jesus Christ discussed in this paper are limited. However, this paper will be a basic reference that is still open to be developed based on the truth of the Gospel of John, "There are many other things more to be done by Jesus Christ, but if all these things must be written one by one, I suppose that this world can not contain the books that would be written. "Happy wandering with Jesus Christ in his leadership of the par-ekselens.
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Visionary Leader to BE Self Affirming 2

Digging VISION After to fight and recognize the signs of vision is now another question arises, how to dig, discover, and develop a vision (pure desire) is written by God in your mind that? in an effort to explore the vision, the first thing that must be made from a Christian perspective is to pray, where you specifically declare to GOD about longing to find his handwriting inside. Prayer means holding introspective contemplation before God to find answers to questions about the desirability of the sacred (vision) that have written him in mind. There are several steps that must be taken to see signs of praxis as below: Start by accurate deepest desire is pure desire. "The desire of this holy desire to be distinguished from the ordinary, which is on most people. Remember that these holy desires are special and are always associated with basic needs that feels. [18] To distinguish them from ordinary desires, Observe the values for that desire and pointed with latent potential within you. [19] "To pass on holy desire by sentence weighted with the sentence. Example for weighted sentence meant can be seen by comparing the following statement: 'I want a lot of money, live happy,' and 'I want to enrich others'. "[20] If you have sentence vision then you're moving from an idea to the concept. This concept is as a symbol of the fact, that with it will come true in real terms the fact that coveted later. For example, you can encapsulate the vision statement as follows: "... ... ... .... exists to glorify God by making many rich. "Consider this," ... ... .. there "refers to the substantive subjects, whose existence is to glorify God. "Glorifying God" refers to Utopia; and "enrich the people," pointing to the personal goals of the operation would work in an organization's leadership. As a basis to move to make "a strategic plan" to implement your vision is, then you create a portrait of how you are doing and experience the fulfillment of (reaching) the vision meant "(now in a foreseeable future) as the fulfillment of your vision that step. [21] Making portrait of the future begins with the making of future scenarios as a basis for building a strategic planning (strategic planning). [22] With this strategic planning, you can know with any certainty the vision, mission, core business focus and leadership describes the tasks to be done to achieve the goals proclaimed in the organization you lead. VISION AND FAITH Faith is necessary in order to establish and implement the VISION. Faith here is a measure of the validity of the vision and decisive implementation. Now the question arises, what exactly Faith was, and what to do with VISION? In the Christian perspective, gambling Scripture asserts, "Faith is the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). Here describes the vision of faith as something that has evidentiary basis. Formulating this relationship further, we can say that FAITH is a VISION, which is "Seeing things we want to accomplish, long before it exists" (JC Bowling). Some important elements of relationships and VISION OF FAITH (Faith and Vision) can be explained as follows: FAITH is the basis for VISION, which is the foundation for the achievement of the picture "dream future" is desirable. [23] It could be argued that the faith to make the vision a reality, and faith to ensure that the vision is true. FAITH VISION affirming, and acting as PROOF that the vision based on faith that is real (real), is feasible and can be achieved. In this connection, the vision became inevitable as surely as faith in the Lord, and there are real things to be done to achieve more tangible things in the future too uncertain. VISION is built on faith to explain the organization's goals and affirm to go forward to achieve it. With the vision, then the individual (the leader) can see a clear goal ahead, and can know what it is worth doing untu achieve the intended purpose. FAITH VISION and strengthen leadership, so that leaders can lead others to begin by sharing a vision. With the vision (leadership), the leader by itself has the power to lead, because the vision meant he could make something happen. With the same vision, he can move others (subordinates) to act synergistically with a shared vision meant. By sharing the vision, leaders can ensure that the effort to lead it (leadership Attempt) will definitely be done. VISION OF FAITH ensure the future and aims, affirming hope to achieve, because the VISION and FAITH is "FAITH LEAP." [24] With the aim of this vision, the individual (the leader) can see the path to the future that gives strength and brave to jump into the opportunities (jump into deep water), creating a bright future. FAITH VISION and encouraged to build high motivation and support to tackle common challenges to progress consistently. [25] SUBDIVISION VISION It has been said before that VISION has powerful strength to lift and carry a person up and forward. In particular it can be said that, VISION authorize the execution of leadership, therefore, it should be divided LEADERSHIP VISION. In this connection, the vision should be seen as a fire that warms ray strength. Bill Newman said: "A vision is like a bonfire in the camp, where people would gather around him, because there was no light, energy, warmth and togetherness." The vision that has the power as described here explains that the vision can be shared, so belong to all people. Now how the VISION can you share? Vision can be divided by considering the following important steps. Use the vision to see an end with a clear picture, as a basis for involving others. Aristotle said, "The soul can not think without a picture." In this connection, the vision provides the ability to create and share picture vision, leaders can make the future of visualization profile and ready to share it with others. Consider the changes that will occur with the final image or picture of the future profile of this vision, and what benefits it can achieve, as well as a compelling reason to achieve it. With an overview of this end, a leader can know with certainty about what can and should do to reach that vision. You can share that vision by providing a clear picture of the future. With a clear picture of the future is you have a tool to portray the future. where you can also build confidence and spirit of all the people you are leading that vision can be achieved collectively referred. VISION The key to sharing the Christian perspective has distinctive strengths. This is the typical strength as claimed by Larry Crabb, that "A shared vision is pleased with how someone is and can be then, has the power when the Holy Spirit has spoken to his soul." [26] Here we see clearly that the Holy Spirit himself who affirm the vision in the soul of a leader. On top of this vision that a leader can build a picture of the future can be expressed dynamically by the Holy Spirit. The Truth about sharing the vision that has a strong driving force is confirmed by Burt Nanus by saying, "There is no engine driving an organization toward excellence and long-term success of the divide in the area of a vision of an attractive, useful, and can be implemented to achieve the future. "[27] From the description Burt Nanus it can be said unequivocally that the vision must be formulated in an attractive, pragmatic and applicable by which leaders can share them with people they lead. Sharing a vision like this that causes the driving force that organization to mobilize all of the components involved in leadership performance. VISION AND CHANGES It has been dealt before that vision is the desire to give the ability to understand the holy will of God and look forward to what will happen. This condition can be referred to as "change." Changes can be described as a dynamic state that continues to move toward a new form to the front. These changes can take the form of internal change or external changes, relating to changes in essence, form, meaning, function and role that can occur in full or half, change, modification, and so on. Linking the change is a vision, then Rick Warren says, "Traffic's vision is to assess the exact changes that occur today and benefit from these changes." Looking at what was described by Rick Warren This can be said that by holy desire a gift from God (vision), leaders can learn to see the rapid changes that occur and adjust strategies and actions to move the new challenges of change by initiating changes in the future. In this regard, leaders need to be sensitive to changing conditions in the true sense. This is what Rick Warren said that "vision is sensitive to the feelings of every opportunity" [28] Faced with changing conditions in question, there are two things to be done simultaneously, namely: Develop sensitivity to the future attitude. In an effort to develop a sensitivity to the future then there are several steps that need to be on the look. These steps are include: First, build a constructive approach in an attempt to identify the nature, form, and content changes that are happening. Second, defining the change by looking at the symptoms and make isolation of the nature, form and meaning of real change. Third, Anticipating the conflict as a result of any changes and provide a boundary bulkhead to him so do not bring negative consequences. Fourth, the firm Giving direction to control the directional changes seseuai with existing vision to create a future that craved. Creating future scenarios answer the demands of change. [29] Menagani change is happening, the leader is responsible for creating scenarios for the future that have been implemented. Future scenarios that can be done by taking the following steps: First, Reaffirming the vision that has been established to set a clear direction to the future. Second, Digging info from past experience on issues related to the vision to study the trends that will be caused by the changes. Third, find an indicator of what had happened to find answers to what might happen later. Fifth, Establish strategic steps to be taken forward to bring change, so you are not crushed by the change. SUMMARY. Here has been discussed about the VISION VISION by questioning what exactly it is, what are the characteristics and signs of his faith and relationship with, and how to dig and divide in the middle of real change. Principles referred to has been described in detail so it is expected that every aspect of the vision has become clear to you. Presumably you can understand, own and membatinkannya in life, which became the foundation for you to carry it out. It has been confirmed that the vision can be rather like a small fire that could burn the jungle with the result that dahyat. With the power of vision, an individual (the leader) can see God's plan, he can mamahami past that provide certainty about the truth of the vision of the present to step forward. With the vision of an individual (leader) can see the future clearly, and he will be able to invite others to walk into it together. How does one leader can invite others to participate along with him toward the future? It is important that a leader needs to be done to involve the people they lead with the vision of leadership that the Lord gave him, is: First, Pray diligently for what you need to know from the Lord God was pleased with the vision that it provides. Secondly, Think clear as possible to seek a spiritual introspective with high sensitivity. Third, Think of (think big) and width (think deep) as possible to understand, to see clearly through a complete mental picture. Fourth, Develop the vision referred through a mental picture by doing a 'brain storming' for a complete understanding. Fifth, Pair with your values to define a personal vision statement or leadership. Now you have to have a vision statement, by which you can share and invite others to understand it and follow you into the future. Regards prayer, Dr. Yakob Tomatala
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